Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of the well-known messaging app Telegram, has been granted temporary leave from France, where he faces serious criminal charges related to the platform's usage. Following restrictions barring him from leaving the country, he can now travel between March 15 and April 7, returning to France afterward. In a statement, Durov, who has lived in Dubai, mentioned that he feels relieved to be home while the investigation into Telegram persists.
Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Faces Legal Challenges in France Yet Returns to Dubai

Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Faces Legal Challenges in France Yet Returns to Dubai
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, has been permitted to leave France amid ongoing legal proceedings concerning illicit activities on his platform.
Durov, 40, was initially detained near Paris last August after being charged by French authorities with complicity in facilitating illegal activities via the app, including drug trafficking and distribution of child exploitation materials. These severe charges could result in a 10-year prison sentence. He has expressed frustration regarding the legal proceedings, stressing that Telegram cannot be held accountable for user actions. Nevertheless, since the legal scrutiny began, the company has taken measures to enhance its policing and cooperation with law enforcement worldwide.