In a historic message aimed at ending decades of conflict, Ocalan emphasized a need for democratic dialogue and called for the dissolution of the PKK, expressing cautious optimism for peace in Turkey’s southeastern regions.
Kurdish Leader Abdullah Ocalan Calls for PKK to Lay Down Arms and Embrace Democracy

Kurdish Leader Abdullah Ocalan Calls for PKK to Lay Down Arms and Embrace Democracy
Abdullah Ocalan, the iconic figure of the PKK, has urged his followers to disarm and pursue political solutions in an unprecedented letter shared across Kurdish cities.
Abdullah Ocalan, the imprisoned leader of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), has made a groundbreaking appeal calling for the radical shift of his movement towards disarmament and civil political engagement. In a letter read out by members of the pro-Kurdish Dem Party, Ocalan stated that he wanted his supporters to lay down their arms and dissolve the PKK after four decades of violent conflict that has claimed tens of thousands of lives in Turkey.
Ocalan, who has been imprisoned on Imrali Island since 1999, reiterated the need for a political solution to end the long-standing conflict in southeastern Turkey. His message resonated widely as it was displayed on large screens in major Kurdish cities like Diyarbakir and Van, allowing citizens to absorb its importance.
During a recent meeting with pro-Kurdish MPs, Ocalan addressed the political landscape in Turkey and asserted that the avenues for democracy must be embraced instead of armed struggle. "Democratic consensus is the fundamental way," his letter stated, emphasizing that all factions should lay down arms in the pursuit of peace. Ocalan praised earlier gestures from Turkish ultra-nationalist leader Devlet Bahceli and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who seemed to create an atmosphere conducive to dialogue, suggesting a potential lifting of Ocalan's isolation if he responded to the call for peace.
While some political factions in Turkey saw Ocalan’s letter as a turning point towards resolving the conflict, skepticism lingered. Senior PKK members and observers warned that promises for peace must be approached with caution, given the longstanding military operations against Kurdish forces in both Turkey and neighboring regions.
Critics highlighted ongoing human rights concerns and ongoing crackdowns on Kurdish politicians, feeding into a broader uncertainty about the sincerity of government intentions to seek a true resolution to the decades-long strife. Ocalan's letters have ignited discussions, yet the future remains unclear with significant divisions still existing in perceptions towards peace initiatives and trust between the Kurdish community and the Turkish state.