As military assistance from the U.S. dwindles, local customers voice their distress and call for a name change at Trump's Pizza Station.
**Ukrainians Reflect on Aid Suspensions at Trump's Namesake Cafe**

**Ukrainians Reflect on Aid Suspensions at Trump's Namesake Cafe**
Patrons at a Kyiv pizza joint named after the U.S. president grapple with the ramifications of military aid cuts.
At the Trump Pizza Station in Kyiv, where the Wi-Fi code is humorously set to "TrumpLovesYou," the mood has shifted drastically among the café's patrons since news broke of the suspension of U.S. military aid to Ukraine. On a recent Tuesday morning, tears flowed as customers absorbed the chilling impact of a foreign policy pivot away from supporting their war-torn nation.
One young customer, Anastasiia Berehovenko, a medical student, shared her heartbreak over the continuing losses inflicted by the ongoing conflict, listing several friends and family members she has lost to the violence. “Honestly, I don’t think I have enough fingers to count everyone who has died,” she remarked, emphasizing the emotional toll this policy change has taken on ordinary Ukrainians.
This café, once a lively hub for supporters of U.S.-Ukrainian relations, now feels a deep sense of abandonment as President Trump shifts focus towards strengthening ties with Russia. Under former President Biden, the United States was a steadfast ally to Ukraine, but the current administration's actions have left many feeling increasingly isolated.
The sentiment among customers is palpable, with many suggesting that it might be time for the café to reassess its branding, specifically its association with a U.S. president whose policies have left them uncertain about their future. Each passing day serves as a reminder of their struggles, reinforcing the belief that such measures will only increase the suffering of their nation.
One young customer, Anastasiia Berehovenko, a medical student, shared her heartbreak over the continuing losses inflicted by the ongoing conflict, listing several friends and family members she has lost to the violence. “Honestly, I don’t think I have enough fingers to count everyone who has died,” she remarked, emphasizing the emotional toll this policy change has taken on ordinary Ukrainians.
This café, once a lively hub for supporters of U.S.-Ukrainian relations, now feels a deep sense of abandonment as President Trump shifts focus towards strengthening ties with Russia. Under former President Biden, the United States was a steadfast ally to Ukraine, but the current administration's actions have left many feeling increasingly isolated.
The sentiment among customers is palpable, with many suggesting that it might be time for the café to reassess its branding, specifically its association with a U.S. president whose policies have left them uncertain about their future. Each passing day serves as a reminder of their struggles, reinforcing the belief that such measures will only increase the suffering of their nation.