Despite the unfortunate event, the couple feels unsupported by the airlines involved in their journey.
**Australian Couple Encounter Traumatic Incident on Qatar Airways Flight**

**Australian Couple Encounter Traumatic Incident on Qatar Airways Flight**
An Australian couple recounts their harrowing experience after a deceased passenger was placed adjacent to them during a long flight.
An Australian couple shared their distressing encounter aboard a Qatar Airways flight when a deceased passenger's body was placed next to them. Mitchell Ring and Jennifer Colin were excitedly traveling to Venice from Melbourne when they faced this unfortunate situation. As reported on Channel 9 Australia, the woman collapsed in the aisle next to their seats, and after unsuccessful attempts by the crew to move her body, it was placed beside Mr. Ring for the remaining four hours of the flight.
Mr. Ring described the initial moments of the incident, noting that cabin crew quickly attended to the woman but were unable to save her. "It was pretty heart-breaking to watch," he recounted. After failing to navigate her towards the business class section due to her size, the cabin crew turned to the couple, asking Mr. Ring to move, despite available seats elsewhere.
Ms. Colin expressed her disbelief when it became clear that the deceased passenger would be seated next to her husband. While she managed to relocate to an empty seat, Mr. Ring felt trapped in a traumatic situation, with the corpse uncomfortably next to him throughout the flight. Upon landing, passengers were instructed to remain seated while medical personnel and police boarded the aircraft, and Mr. Ring described the moment ambulance officers began to uncover the woman's body.
Both passengers reported a lack of communication and support from Qatar Airways or Qantas, which they believe failed to uphold their duty of care. "We should be contacted to make sure, do you need some support, do you need some counselling?" expressed Mr. Ring, reflecting the psychological strain of the experience. Ms. Colin echoed similar sentiments, acknowledging the airline's inability to prevent the tragedy but insisting that protocols should have been followed to support passengers during such incidents.
Qatar Airways released a statement expressing condolences for the deceased and apologizing for any distress caused to passengers. They stated that customer contact is in progress as part of their procedures. Meanwhile, Qantas clarified that such situations fall under the management of the operating airline, in this case, Qatar Airways.
Mr. Ring described the initial moments of the incident, noting that cabin crew quickly attended to the woman but were unable to save her. "It was pretty heart-breaking to watch," he recounted. After failing to navigate her towards the business class section due to her size, the cabin crew turned to the couple, asking Mr. Ring to move, despite available seats elsewhere.
Ms. Colin expressed her disbelief when it became clear that the deceased passenger would be seated next to her husband. While she managed to relocate to an empty seat, Mr. Ring felt trapped in a traumatic situation, with the corpse uncomfortably next to him throughout the flight. Upon landing, passengers were instructed to remain seated while medical personnel and police boarded the aircraft, and Mr. Ring described the moment ambulance officers began to uncover the woman's body.
Both passengers reported a lack of communication and support from Qatar Airways or Qantas, which they believe failed to uphold their duty of care. "We should be contacted to make sure, do you need some support, do you need some counselling?" expressed Mr. Ring, reflecting the psychological strain of the experience. Ms. Colin echoed similar sentiments, acknowledging the airline's inability to prevent the tragedy but insisting that protocols should have been followed to support passengers during such incidents.
Qatar Airways released a statement expressing condolences for the deceased and apologizing for any distress caused to passengers. They stated that customer contact is in progress as part of their procedures. Meanwhile, Qantas clarified that such situations fall under the management of the operating airline, in this case, Qatar Airways.